Wednesday 9 December 2009

Filming Day Three

Today, Sarah and I got a lot of filming done. We were able to film the entire opening school sequence in the trailer. We started the day by filming the first scene, which shows all the main characters arriving at school and walking to lesson and also showing the character Chris watching them. For this scene, we originally planned to have another group of people surrounding the characters as they got out the car. However, I thought this would lose the sense of isolation and also decrease the feeling of the characters being alone and not able to get help. In the planning stage we had hoped to film this scene on a sunny morning, however, when it came to filming this scene the sky was a misty grey. Which I actually believe works a lot better than what we originally had planned. This is because the sunshine would have made the audience connect this film with different genre other than horror. Also, by having the grey sky, it creates the impression that something bad was bound to happen at this school and also highlights the fact that maybe this person has been watching these girls for awhile.
After we had completed that, we went and filmed scene three (this is where Chris is humiliated in front of Mary-Alice and her friends.) We only made one small change to this scene. We decided against having a group of students outside the classroom to laugh at Chris whilst he was on the ground. I thought it would have a bigger impact, if it was only the four characters that walked away from him. This will allow the audience to feel sympathy towards Chris and make them more shocked when they see the entire film and realise that he is in fact the killer. In the planning stages, I had decided that we should have close up shots and follow the 180 degree rule when Mary-Alice and Chris talk. However, due to the time restriction that the trailer has, the scene had to film from a wide angle shot, to allow the action on screen to flow smoothly and to clearly distinguish this scene as calm and not as intense as the scenes will be towards the end of the trailer. Following this scene, we went onto shoot a brand new scene. It consisted of the character Corie, running up some stairs shouting help. We filmed this scene, because we thought it could be useful as part of our build up to get us to the end of the trailer. The scene was shot, on a static long shot.