Thursday 4 March 2010

Who Did What?

Now, that we have almost come to the end of our media task, it is time to reflect on who contributed what to our finished piece.

Mary-Alice........ Laura Estrop
Robin................ Sarah Chambers
Corie.................. Cory-Lee Hopewell
Chris Marshall(Kevin)..... Stevie, Man dressed in black, Matt and Robert
Jean Taylor....... Cory-Lee Hopewell
Radio reporter... Nick Mahy
Ben..................... Jack Naylor
People who were killed.... Teri Newby, Becky Dyer, Nick Mahy, Becky Cooke, Tom Gamble, Nathan Staples, Dan Carrnell and Nick Parish.

Pre-Production elements:
Written by...... Laura Estrop
Shooting Schedule.... Laura Estrop and Sarah Chambers
Camera Maps............ Laura Estrop and Sarah Chambers

Production elements:
Camera 1........ Laura Estrop
Camera 2........ Sarah Chambers
Camera assistance...... Teri Newby and Cory-Lee Hopewell
Props............... Book designed by Sarah Chambers and Laura Estrop
......................... Blood by Laura Estrop
......................... Car by Chris Coupe

Post-Production elements:
Edited....... Laura Estrop
Music........ --- Music selected by Laura Estrop and Sarah Chambers

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